Face masks are being 'strongly recommended' in crowded indoor places and public transport as Covid cases remain high in Jersey


ISLANDERS are being ‘strongly recommended’ to wear masks in crowded indoor places and on public transport as the number of Covid cases remains high.

With more than 1,500 known active infections at present – a slight fall in numbers over the past seven days – Health Minister Karen Wilson said: ‘We are at an important stage in the current wave and if Islanders work together and follow the current guidance issued by Public Health, we will be able to move through the wave more quickly and ensure that we can enjoy a safe summer.’

Mask-wearing ceased to be a legal requirement in most settings at the end of January as part of the de-escalation of the Island’s Covid response, and was dropped as a condition of carriage by airlines and LibertyBus during the latter stages of the winter.

Wearing masks remains mandatory in the General Hospital and other healthcare settings.

Deputy Wilson said there was ‘no need’ to reintroduce any legal requirement related to masks.

After rising sharply during June, the number of known active cases fell to 1,503 yesterday from 1,808 seven days earlier. A total of 15 patients in Hospital are Covid-positive, a rise of three in a week, while the corresponding figure for positive cases in care homes was 18, down from 27.

‘The number seems to be reaching a plateau but we want it to keep going down and that’s why we’re reminding people to do the right thing,’ Deputy Wilson added.

The government has confirmed that the spring booster programme, which was originally due to finish by 30 June, has now been extended to 31 July as a result of ‘ongoing clinical need’ following the recent rise in cases.

Over-75s, or those aged 12 and above who are immunosuppressed, can book an appointment by visiting gov.je/vaccine or call 0800 735 5566.

Latest figures indicate that more than 1,500 Islanders aged 75 or over received a third dose during last autumn or winter but have yet to come forward for their spring (fourth) dose. Direct communications are being sent to members of this group encouraging them to come forward.

In the week ending Sunday 10 July, a total of 371 doses of vaccine were delivered, taking the overall total to just over 237,000 since December 2020.

Deputy Wilson said public health officials were also preparing for a further phase of the vaccination programme. This would be tied in with recommendations from the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation in the UK, with details due to be confirmed in the coming weeks, she added.


The government is ‘strongly recommending’ Islanders to wear a mask…

  • When you are in crowded and enclosed spaces or in close contact with others

  • When you come into close contact with someone at higher risk of becoming seriously unwell from Covid-19 or another respiratory infection

  • When visiting a healthcare setting such as a hospital, GP surgery, care home testing centre or vaccination centre

  • When you use public transport. This is particularly important if you are symptomatic and travelling to or from the testing centre

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