‘People are dying… Ukraine still needs Islanders’ help’

Ukrainian refugees escaping the war and crossing the border into Poland. Many Ukrainians have left their home country and are still in need of supplies .Picture: DAVID FERGUSON. (33534422)

ISLANDERS are being encouraged to continue their support for Ukrainians after donations to the Bailiff’s appeal slowed, despite the continued need for medical equipment and supplies, a member of Jersey Overseas Aid has said.

Gillian Challinor, senior programme officer for the JOA, said the appeal would continue to welcome donations as long as there was a need to support the people of Ukraine as the war continued.

The world reacted with shock and horror in late February when Russian troops invaded their neighbouring country, in a conflict that has seen Ukrainian cities indiscriminately bombed and led to a refugee crisis not seen in Europe since the Second World War.

Islanders have now donated a total of £765,681 – made up of donations from the Bailiff’s Ukraine Appeal and through global emergency charity Jersey Side by Side.

Jersey Overseas Aid, who are responsible for distributing the money from the Bailiff’s Appeal, have now supported 15 initiatives, with a further three agreements in progress – totalling £2.24 million.

Mrs Challinor said: ‘Equipment and supplies are still urgently needed across Ukraine, where hundreds of people are being killed, wounded and traumatised every day. We are working closely with our partners on the ground such as Crown Agents and the UN to identify how Jersey’s funds can be most effectively deployed.’

She said they had been ‘overwhelmed’ by the generosity of Islanders. ‘We continue to see lots of people – individuals, school groups, community organisations, work colleagues – making donations or organising fundraising activities, which are raising significant sums for the appeal. However, fund-raising has slowed in the last few months. As long as there is a need to support the people of Ukraine the Bailiff’s Ukraine Appeal will continue to welcome donations. The government has also given £1 million to support those fleeing the conflict and Jersey Overseas Aid has given £508,084 from their emergencies budget.’

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