Appeal for witnesses after glass bottle set on fire and thrown at parish vehicle.

EMERGENCY SERVICES.States of Jersey Police..Picture: DAVID FERGUSON. (33276151)

THE States police are appealing for witnesses after a glass bottle which was set on fire was thrown at a St Saviour parish vehicle.

The incident took place between 9.05pm and 9.10pm on Monday 2 May in the St Saviour Parish Hall car park.

A spokesperson for the States police said: ‘Two suspects were seen to run down the hill into the car park of St Saviour Parish Hall each carrying what appeared to be a glass bottle on fire. The bottles were thrown across the car park, one hit the floor in flames and the other hit a parish vehicle, causing some damage and then fell to the floor in flames.

‘Both bottles burnt out and no one was harmed or injured. The persons responsible ran back up St Saviour Hill in the direction of Five Oaks.’

Anyone who my have driven past at the time of the incident is asked to contact the States police on 612612 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

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