Hospital spending is ‘out of control’


A BUDGET of nearly £200,000 allocated for two consultant posts within the Our Hospital project – across a four-month period – is evidence that the scheme is ‘out of control’, the St John Constable has said.

Andy Jehan raised the concerns on social media after his written States question to Deputy Chief Minister Lyndon Farnham – who is political lead for the new health facility due to be built at Overdale – revealed that a budget of £80,835 had been allocated to the position of clinical director from 31 March to 31 July, while £117,500 had been allocated to the project director post for the same period. It also showed that, between May 2019 and March 2022, £606,345 was paid to the project director – with £350,875 paid to the clinical director between July 2019 and March 2022.

Speaking to the JEP, Mr Jehan said: ‘The issue is the amount of days we have budgeted for in the full knowledge that it will be in the hands of the planning officers for most of that time.

‘Who is controlling the amount of days these people work? We are spending vast amounts of money, but who is controlling it?’

He added: ‘In my opinion, it is another example of the project being out of control.’

The States Assembly last year approved an £800 million budget for the new hospital.

Senator Farnham said: ‘I strongly disagree with the opinion expressed by the Constable of St John on social media.

‘The Our Hospital process is subject to all of the appropriate controls as well as strong financial oversight.

‘Many countries in Europe and the UK are planning – or have already embarked – on new hospital projects, so the demand for this type of specialist, high-calibre experience is significant.’

He added: ‘The amount paid to Our Hospital project staff is in line with the going market rate and is all accounted for within the total budget approved by the States Assembly.’

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