Jersey hotel and bank staff to receive counter-terrorism training

The Radisson Hotel (33219506)

MEMBERS of the hospitality and high-street banking industries will receive counter-terrorism training this week in co-ordination with the States police.

Experts from the UK Counter Terrorism Police were due to visit the Island today and tomorrow to run sessions which focus on recognising hostile situations, identifying suspicious activity, working in partnership with the police and having the confidence to make reports.

The training aims to give participants practical advice and guidance on how to protect their businesses and information on how to respond in the event of an attack, but also shows participants what to look out for when identifying something suspicious in relation to terrorism.

Christopher Peach, general manager at the Radisson Blu Waterfront Hotel, who has worked to bring the training to the Island, said: ‘As a hotel group having faced a terrible and tragic incident in the not-too-distant past, we take the security and safety of our team members and guests very seriously. We all have a tendency to think this will never happen, but history says otherwise. This training will give us the tools that could make a positive difference.’

In 2015 two gunmen stormed a Radisson Blu hotel in Bamako in Mali, killing at least 20 civilians and wounding 14 more.

Mr Peach added: ‘We at Radisson fully support this training and recommend all businesses to get on board to make the job of our security services that much easier and to keep us safe.’

Police chief Robin Smith added: ‘Although Jersey is a very safe place to live, as we have seen too often in the UK, we cannot become complacent – terrorism comes in many forms and guises. This training and the Action Counters Terrorism Now application are key in providing businesses and individuals with free, readily available access to critical information and advice in a time-sensitive manner.

‘We all have a responsibility to look out for suspicious activity and in doing so we keep everyone safe. Our communities are our most effective eyes and ears.’

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