Jobseeker number lowest in 11 years

Social Security Minister Judy Martin said she was delighted to see unemployment numbers fall. Picture: ROB CURRIE. (33149601)

THE number of registered jobseekers in Jersey has fallen to the lowest level since records began 11 years ago.

Latest figures show that the number of Islanders recorded as ‘actively seeking work’ was 720 at the end of last month, which was 600 fewer than a year earlier and the lowest figure ever recorded.

Social Security Minister Judy Martin said: ‘I’m delighted to see the number of unemployed come down as the Back to Work team continue to get as many jobseekers back into employment as quickly as possible.

‘The team remains focused on supporting long-term jobseekers and doing their best to help them towards employment.’

Lee Madden, managing director of GR8 recruitment, said that he felt the government had done well getting people back into employment after the pandemic.

But he added that the Island was still suffering workforce shortages in several sectors.

‘The government back-to-work scheme has done a great job but we still have a lot of job vacancies that need to filled and we don’t have the people to do it,’ he said.

‘In construction, we could be employing twice the number of temporary staff that we do. We also have jobs in hospitality, retail and health care that we are struggling to fill.

‘The government has played its part though, so it is now up to business to go out and fill those roles.’

The number of jobseekers in Jersey peaked during the pandemic at 2,290 in May 2020.

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