Volunteers help 'grumpy' seal at Grève de Lecq

Picture: BDMLR (33078645)

VOLUNTEERS helped to protect a ‘grumpy, hungry and tired’ seal which had hauled itself onto Grève de Lecq beach to moult.

Members of the Jersey branch of British Divers Marine Life Rescue were called out on Thursday after being told that a large seal was on the sand at the north-coast beach.

The area was cordoned off and approaching walkers were asked to keep a distance from the beach for their own safety and for that of the seal.

The animal was observed for the rest of the evening by a small team from BDMLR, as well as Riccardo Cardia from New Era vets.

It returned to the sea at high tide but hauled itself back onto the sand early Friday morning.

A small team then arrived in order to warn walkers about the seal, and the States police and BDMLR agreed that the beach should be closed.

Donna de Gruchy, from BDMLR, said: ‘This seal, along with all our other local grey seals, will be going through his annual moulting process which involves the seal spending much more time than normal out of the sea in order to try and replace his whole existing coat.

‘In this time the seal will also not be feeding as well as usual, and he will lose some weight.

‘It is an exhausting process for him even though he looks like he is just lying there doing nothing, so he will be very grumpy, hungry and tired. The process can last for up to three weeks but it is all perfectly natural for the seal.’

Later in the day the seal once again went back into the sea but returned on Saturday morning until it was spooked by barking dogs at about 11am, when it retreated into the water. The seal hasn’t been seen since.

‘The majority of the public and locals have been so lovely and understanding of the situation, and have been so interested to learn more about the moulting season of the grey seals,’ said Mrs de Gruchy.

‘Colleens Café have been so kind looking after us with tea and cake and the local St Ouen honoraries have been there in a heartbeat when we have needed assistance.

‘I am so proud of my team for all the time they have put into keeping everyone and the seal safe while answering lots of questions.’

She said the beach was due to reopen at 11am on Sunday.

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