Temperatures to plunge and wintry showers forecast when Arctic blast hits Jersey later this week

WX CHARTS (32925381)

JERSEY is to be hit by a blast of Arctic air – sending temperatures plummeting and bringing the risk of wintry showers.

Following days of warm weather which saw highs of over 18°C, the mercury will struggle to reach 8°C later this week, and a strong wind will make it feel more like 0°C to minus 2°C on Thursday evening and Friday morning.

There is also the risk of sleet on Thursday and hail showers the following day.

Meanwhile, central and northern parts of the UK are expected to snow.

Matt Winter, duty forecaster at Jersey Met, said: ‘We are going to see a big change in the weather – it has been feeling like summer but it is going to feel more like winter at the end of the week.

‘Temperatures will drop off relatively steadily tomorrow and Wednesday but the big change will happen on Thursday and Friday when we’ll have a strong plunge of cold air coming down from the Arctic.

‘It is quite unusual to have such a big swing in temperatures, although not uncommon for it to be cold at this time of the year.’

He added: ‘On Thursday a band of rain will clear through and as the cold air digs in behind it, it could turn sleety.

‘There is some uncertainty about the forecast, but it looks like we will see showers of rain or hail after that. It will feel cold in the wind – with a windchill of about 0°C or minus 1°C or minus 2°C on Thursday evening and Friday morning.’

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