Man jailed for series of drugs and motoring offences

A 41-YEAR-OLD man has been jailed for eight months for a string of drugs and motoring offences.

Laurence Munks pleaded guilty in the Magistrate’s Court to speeding, driving an unroadworthy car, drink-driving, possession of drugs, resisting arrest and obstructing police officers.

He had numerous previous convictions, and Magistrate Bridget Shaw concluded that there was ‘no realistic prospect’ that he would comply with a non-custodial order.

Crown Advocate Chris Baglin, prosecuting, told the court that Munks was stopped for speeding on the Esplanade in St Helier at 10.30pm on 12 November. He was driving at 49mph through a 30mph zone.

The police discovered that the car, which belonged to Munks’s brother, had faulty suspension, a faulty headlight, damaged bodywork and a cracked and partially obscured number plate.

He was also found to be in possession of amphetamine, a class B drug, and two class C drugs – pregabalin and alprazolam.

On 19 November he was arrested in a pub when he was found with class A morphine sulphate in his wallet.

The Crown Advocate said: ‘Mr Munks was intoxicated or under the influence of drugs and appeared erratic, with pupils dilated.

‘He prevented the police van from closing with his left foot. He told police he had bought the wallet several weeks ago from a second-hand shop and planned to hand in the drugs.

‘He said he had long legs and didn’t have enough room in the van.’

At 4.10pm on 18 December Munks was caught drinking-driving on Grande Route de Rozel in Gorey.

A breath test showed he had 57 micrograms of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath. The legal limit is 35 micrograms.

Advocate Francesca Pinel, defending, asked the Magistrate to consider community service and fines instead of prison, and a disqualification for the drink-driving.

She said: ‘Mr Munks entered guilty pleas for all the offences, save for the drinking and driving.

‘He has asked me to apologise. He does note the impact this has on others.’

She pointed out that Munks had been off work since December with a heart condition but added that ‘it is the hope that he will start work again soon’.

But the Magistrate said prison was inevitable, telling Munks: ‘You have a bad history relating to drugs and to some extent alcohol as well.’

She added that he deserved little credit for his guilty pleas as he had not admitted the drink-driving at the earliest opportunity.

She imposed consecutive sentences totalling eight months, and fines for speeding and driving an unroadworthy vehicle totalling £825.

He was also banned from driving for 18 months.

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