Flybe route list due to be announced tomorrow

Picture: MATTHEW HOTTON REF:00775231.jpg Airport gates - air side, departure gates May2013

A NEW version of Flybe is due to announce its list of routes tomorrow (22 March) – just over two years after the old airline collapsed.

The carrier, which is due to headquarter itself at Birmingham Airport, previously operated services to several destinations from of the Island.

But since then other airlines have taken on many of the airline’s profitable old routes and there has been speculation that Flybe may only have a very small Jersey operation, if there is one at all.

It is also operating with a much smaller fleet than before – with a target of just 32 aircraft.

Dave Pflieger, Flybe chief executive said: ‘[Tuesday] is going to be an exciting time for customers and communities that have been waiting to hear from us about low fares, new routes, and new destinations—all of which are being timed to coincide with the restart of the economy and a return to normalcy after two difficult years for all.

‘Once we start flying from Birmingham, Belfast, and many other cities in the UK and EU, we are confident that a new and improved Flybe will provide customers with great value, more choices, and the opportunity to quickly and more conveniently visit loved ones, go on holiday, and more easily visit customers or attend important meetings.’

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