Healthcare petition gets over 1,000 signatures

General Hospital

A PETITION calling for an independent inspection of all the Island’s health facilities has received over 1,000 signatures and now requires a ministerial response.

The online submission from Islander Jean Lelliott currently has over 1,250 signatures and calls for the government to commission England’s Care Quality Commission to carry out a full inspection of the Hospital, Overdale and Orchard House and ‘all other services provided by Health and Community Services and should include buildings, services, policies, the Jersey Care Model and staff qualifications’.

If the petition gathers more than 5,000 signatures it will be considered for debate by the States Assembly.

Ms Lelliott previously lodged a petition – signed by over 1,500 Islanders – calling for the Island’s rehabilitation services to be reinstated at Samarès Ward at Over-dale and moved out of the community and Plémont Ward at the General Hospital.

However, she did not receive a response from the Health Minister until 94 days after it gathered the 1,000 signatures required, following a query by the JEP as to why it had been left so long without a response.

In her latest submission, Ms Lelliott said: ‘The Jersey General Hospital may be operating in an unsafe environment and has not been fully independently inspected for very many years. This is contrary to anything which would be allowed in the UK or most places in the world.’

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