Plans for medicinal-cannabis farm submitted

Holme Grown in Grouville. Owner Stanley Payn in a green house where he wants to grow medicinal cannabis Picture: ROB CURRIE

PLANS to build a medicinal-cannabis farm in Grouville – alongside existing proposals to construct a 50-bedroom care home and charity shop – have been submitted.

GroVida Jersey Ltd have applied for a licence to grow, possess and distribute the controlled substance and is planning on using Fauvic Nurseries as its base. The site is home to the Holme Grown farm shop, which is due to be retained under the plans.

The company is hoping to get permission to demolish one glasshouse and part of another to accommodate a new growing building, associated energy infrastructure and reconfigure a water reservoir. Fencing is also planned to be installed.

A design statement accompanying the application says: ‘The development proposed seeks to repurpose existing glasshouse structures and to provide a replacement agricultural building on a brownfield site, in a location where buildings exist and activity associated with agriculture already takes place.

‘The [government’s] Rural Economy Strategy confirms that there is a need to diversify the Island’s agriculture economy. This is supported by the policies of the Revised Island Plan (2014), which confirm that a high priority is given to the support and maintenance of the Island’s economy.’

The statement adds that measures will be taken to minimise any visual impact on the rural location, and neighbours would not be impacted to an unreasonable extent by the proposed farm.

‘The assessments provided to support the application confirm that the effects of the development upon the landscape and environment of the site and surrounding area will not be harmful. A comprehensive landscaping scheme has been prepared to enhance landscape character.

‘The effects of the use of the building upon neighbours and the surrounding have also been assessed and confirm that no unreasonable harm will result,’ the design statement says.

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