Hundreds join Facebook group to meet new friends in Jersey

Members of the ?safety in new friends? Facebook group founded by Kira Moisan (second from right) who met for a Sunday roast last weekend. Ms Moisan plans to organise weekly meetings

A FACEBOOK group designed to combat loneliness as well as help people who are new to the Island to settle in has gathered more than 600 members in less than two months.

Kira Moisan (25) set up the group ‘safety in new friends’ in December and, with the pandemic restrictions having left many people feeling isolated, it has proved popular.

Last Sunday nine members of the group, who were all strangers to each other, met for the first time for dinner.

Ms Moisan said: ‘I decided to set up the page as I noticed a few people on Facebook who said they had recently moved to the Island, were struggling to make friends and felt lonely. I know how they felt as when I returned to Jersey in 2019 I felt like I had lost a lot of friends and it really impacted me mentally. The Island can be a difficult place and I think some people feel like they don’t fit in.’

She added: ‘When I first started the page I managed to organise for a few of us to meet for a walk and I thought I would just take it from there. I shared the group on various Facebook pages and before I knew it we had hundreds of members and so many people were messaging me asking how they can get involved.’

Ms Moisan said the group’s Sunday lunch was a success and she plans to organise weekly meet-ups which include dining out or a trip to the Zoo.

‘People have been so grateful for the opportunity to meet new friends and for me personally, I have already gained a friendship group out of it and met some amazing people,’ she said.

‘I have made this step to create the group and it has given others the confidence to follow. A lot of us are still nervous when we meet up but that is part of the process and I would urge anyone who is unsure to give it a try as it has really improved my confidence.

‘Covid has had a huge impact on mental health and I am hoping this page can give people a fresh start. I am happy to continue organising and driving the group as I want this to be a regular thing.’

Anyone wishing to join the group can visit ‘safety in new friends’ on Facebook.

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