New version of the Highway Code comes into force today

Some of the new additions to the code relate to cyclists' use of shared spaces. Picture: DAVID FERGUSON. (32501938)

AN updated version of the Highway Code, designed to improve road safety for cyclists, pedestrians and horse riders, comes into force today.

The rules for road users in Jersey are changing in line with those in the UK, which were approved by the UK parliament this week.

They set out a ‘hierarchy of road users’, with the most vulnerable, such as pedestrians and horse riders at the top, followed by cyclists, motorcyclists, car drivers and lorry drivers. Each group is being encouraged to show greater consideration to those above them in the hierarchy.

Among the specific changes, cyclists are being told to ride in the middle of their lane – and not, as some reports have stated, in the middle of the road – when on quiet routes or in slow-moving traffic, and on the approach to junctions on narrow roads.

They should also keep at least half a metre from the kerb on busier roads.

Car drivers and motorcyclists should leave a gap of at least 1.5 metres when overtaking cyclists and two metres when passing horse riders and pedestrians. They should also give way to pedestrians waiting to cross when they turn into a road.

Motorists are also being told they can avoid the risk of opening a car door in front of a cyclist by using the hand on the opposite side to the door. A technique known as the ‘Dutch reach’, this is designed to force drivers to look over their shoulder before opening the door.

On routes that are shared by walkers, cyclists and horse riders, cyclists are warned not to pass others closely or at high speed, to warn them of their approach by ringing a bell if they have one and not to overtake a rider on the horse’s left.

The government has decided not to introduce fines for those caught breaking the code but are planning to run an awareness campaign in February.

  • Comment: Page 13 of Saturday’s (29 January) JEP.

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