Home owner objects to plan for glamping shepherd's hut

Plans have been passed for a shepherd?s hut, above a tea field in St Lawrence Picture: JON GUEGAN (32379023)

A HOME owner in St Lawrence has lodged an appeal against the approval of plans to set up a ‘shepherd hut’ visitor let on a neighbouring piece of land.

Martin Sabey is opposing the plan for the site, situated off La Ruette, alleging that it contravenes planning policies and infringes his privacy.

Within an appeal document, Mr Sabey said: ‘We object to this planning application as being contrary to agriculture and housing policies and law. Furthermore, any approval would appear to be setting a very bad precedent. The shepherd’s hut is sited within a few yards of our garden and boundary and we note therefore the potential for noise and disturbance and for loss of privacy.

‘We are not clear if there has been any attempt to prepare a traffic plan, given that the track empties onto a dangerous road junction/bend with limited visibility and quite heavy traffic. It is not clear how electricity is provided to the cooker, fridge and lighting if there is no mains connection. I hope it is not via a generator.’

The plans were initially approved by the Planning Committee in December, which determined that the development would have ‘minimal landscape impact’.

A report outlining the committee’s decision says: ‘The committee accepted the applicant’s argument that the area of land where the hut has been sited is low-quality agricultural land which is unworkable and unproductive. It also accepted that the shepherd’s hut would make for a valuable contribution to the Island’s tourism industry.

‘Accordingly, whilst it was accepted that the shepherd’s hut was not strictly in accordance with the provisions of the Island Plan (specifically policies governing the green zone and visitor accommodation, tourism and cultural attractions), the committee was satisfied that an insubstantial departure from the Island Plan was justified in the circumstances.

‘The comments from nearby residents were noted. However, it was not considered that the development would unreasonably harm the residential amenities of nearby neighbours.’

Details on how the appeal will be heard are to be released in due course.

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