Developers submit scaled-back plans for St Brelade apartments

Property called Fair Acre on Route Orange, St Brelade Picture: ROB CURRIE

PLANS to build several apartments on the site of a former family home in St Brelade have been resubmitted – but scaled back for a second time.

Developers Dandara initially lodged plans to build 18 ‘eco’ apartments on the site of the property known as Fair Acre, on Route Orange. Those plans were withdrawn and replaced with a 15-flat project.

However, that planning application was turned down by the Planning Committee on the grounds that it was too ‘dominant and obtrusive’, that it would have had an ‘overbearing impact’ on neighbouring properties and because it would have led to an ‘unacceptable generation’ of traffic.

The rejection followed 94 letters of objection from members of the public.

Dandara has now submitted a third set of plans for the site and has proposed building 13 two-bedroom apartments.

MS Planning, the firm commissioned to compile a planning statement for project, said that architects had overhauled the design.

‘In response [to the refusal], the applicant has done more than just review this element of the building and a rethink has occurred that has enabled the proposal to be comprehensively reappraised and to take a different form.

‘The scale is reduced due to the removal of the [partially above ground] basement, and it [the [properties] is moved further from the boundary, enabling additional landscape to be introduced,’ the application’s planning statement said.

‘As a package, these changes are considered to result in a softer form, which is more subtle in its presentation, and will not cause harm to the amenities of the neighbours.’

According to documents contained within the planning application, the proposal includes spaces for 28 cars and 26 bicycles.

Dandara could also enter into a £33,250 agreement with the Planning Department to fund a new bus shelter, electronic information board, as well as cycling and walking improvements in the surrounding area. Four bat boxes and a ‘bat loft’ have been included within the proposed design, as well as sparrow terraces and hedgehog houses. Solar panels could also be installed on all roofs in the complex if the plans are approved.

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