Two teenagers are sentenced after man left with broken jaw

Tyler Ahier (19) and Brandon Guillemot (18) both appeared before the Royal Court yesterday after drunkenly attacking a 27-year-old in the early hours of Sunday 4 April following a party in a St Helier flat.

Although the details are not clear, the court heard there had been an altercation inside the flat and the victim had been asked to leave.

Recovered CCTV footage showed an assault taking place in Hope Street, after Ahier, Guillemot and four or five other people had also left the flat.

Crown Advocate Richard Pedley, prosecuting, told the court that Ahier had punched the man to the floor and Guillemot had kicked him in the face, before Ahier hit him a second time. He added that at no point did the victim offer any resistance.

Shortly after the assault the victim collapsed near Bond Street, a police van arrived and the group left the area. Ahier was arrested at the scene, and Guillemot the following day. Both entered guilty pleas in the Royal Court on 24 September.

Representing Ahier, Advocate Sarah Dale said her client ‘deeply regretted’ his behaviour on the night and was ‘disgusted at what he saw’ on the CCTV footage, while Advocate Martin Elks – defending Guillemot – highlighted his client’s ‘previous good character’ and ties to the community.

Delivering the court’s sentence, Deputy Bailiff Robert MacRae, presiding, said the assault was ‘unacceptable’ and ‘inexcusable’.

He said: ‘Your victim has suffered and continues to suffer from your joint assault on him.’

Ahier received 18 months’ youth detention and a one-year exclusion from licensed premises – to begin from the date of his release – while Guillemot was given 210 hours of community service and ordered to pay £2,000 in compensation to the victim. He was also given a one-year exclusion.

Mr MacRae said: ‘You both must understand this was appalling violence on the streets of St Helier.’

Jurats Jerry Ramsden and Andrew Cornish were also sitting.

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