Indoor classes continue, but still no outdoor sport? Deputy asks government for answers

Les Quennevais Sports centre Swimming pool Picture: DAVID FERGUSON

Deputy Raymond, who holds political responsibility for sport in Jersey, has quizzed Chief Minister Jonathan Le Fondré and members of the Bailiff’s Panel following news that outdoor sport featuring more than ten people, and all forms of indoor sport, must remain off-limits until at least mid-February. That is despite private indoor recreational activities and indoor school PE lessons having already returned.

A government statement released earlier this week said that indoor recreation is deemed ‘higher risk’ than the opening of retail outlets and hair and beauty salons, which are set to resume trading from 3 February and 10 February respectively. However, as revealed in Tuesday’s JEP, there are reports of an apparent loophole whereby privately-run indoor dance and drama classes were seemingly able to take place from as early mid-January if they were booked in school halls.

Elsewhere, school swimming lessons can reportedly take place – while swimming clubs are forced to remain closed – and indoor PE lessons are running within public centres, including Fort Regent, while indoor sports clubs and associations remain barred from activity.

Outdoor team sports, including football and hockey, who were the last to postpone activity in December, are also still sidelined.

‘I’ve been hammered by a lot of sports officials asking where they stand,’ said Raymond. ‘There is confusion and I have asked for more clarification. We have got certain things going on indoors but other things outdoors, that you think would be okay, are not. If it takes place in a school hall it’s okay, but if it’s a private gym or a private room it can’t take place? All we’re asking for is some form of clarification.

‘Everyone out there wants to know what’s going on so they can plan for the future. We know we can’t detail what Covid is doing but on the other hand it’s the beginning of the year and people want to plan ahead.

‘I’ve sent questions and I’m hoping to get a response back fairly quickly.’

Full story in Friday’s JEP.

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