Schools ‘safest in British Isles’, says union official

Schools ‘safest in British Isles’, says union official

With one week to go before pupils return to school for the autumn term, Marina Mauger of the NASUWT said a considerable amount of preparation had been undertaken.

‘I could never imagine that anywhere else could have completed the amount of work that’s been going on here,’ said Mrs Mauger. ‘I don’t think any more could have been done for pupils in Jersey. Of anywhere in the British Isles, I would say Jersey’s schools are the safest.’

While pupils and many teachers have been enjoying the summer break, which started on 16 July, Mrs Mauger said some teachers had been working with officials from the Education Department, led by Nick Jewell, head of facilities management.

‘Plenty of people haven’t had a day’s holiday because they’ve been working so hard on this,’ she added. ‘I’ve had discussions with counterparts in the UK and they have been massively impressed with what’s happening here.

‘It’s been an absolute fiasco in the UK with the exam results but, from a Jersey perspective, I am confident that everything has been done to protect children.’

The official start of term for Jersey’s state schools is Wednesday 2 September when the majority of schools will have an inset day for teacher training, with pupils returning the following day.

The union endorsement for Jersey’s approach comes as the UK government faces pressure to give schools in England more flexibility over the use of face masks.

Currently, students returning to school in England would not be required to wear masks but head teachers have called for an urgent review of guidance surrounding masks and want flexibility to enforce the wearing of face protectors should they or parents wish.

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson
has indicated a willingness to change the guidance if this is backed by medical

In Scotland secondary pupils will have to wear masks in school corridors while in England, despite official guidance against face coverings, some schools are already preparing to use them.

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