Asian hornet warning after nest found in park

Asian hornet warning after nest found in park

One of the nests was found at Howard Davis Park, just a few feet away from a footpath, and another was discovered within the roof space of a property in St Martin. Both were quickly destroyed.

Alastair Christie, the Asian hornet co-ordinator, said that the finds had demonstrated the hornets’ ability to build their nests in a diverse range of locations.

‘The roof nest was spotted by the householders after a couple of hornets were found on their property.

‘On advice, they carried out a visual inspection of the roof and the hornets were seen coming and going from a small hole,’ he said.

‘The park nest was found after a few hornets were caught in a monitoring trap nearby and maintenance staff saw hornets entering into the bush.

‘The vigilance of the staff and their quick reporting is to be congratulated.

‘The nest was then quickly located and safely removed by appropriately protected volunteers, and no one was stung.’

Anyone carrying out outdoor or garden work is urged to check their workspace for insect activity before starting. And any Islanders with concerns should call 441633 or email

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