Students can expect ‘fair’ exam grades

Students can expect ‘fair’ exam grades

Marina Mauger, a union representative for NASUWT Jersey, confirmed that the same process as the UK would be followed, with teachers submitting estimated grades for pupils last week.

UK exam regulator Ofqual said earlier this year that all GCSE and A-level examinations would be cancelled.

Mrs Mauger said that students’ grades would now be made up of a combination of ‘predicted grades, previous mock results and teachers’ assessments of how well they think they would have performed in the exam’.

She emphasised that results should be a ‘true reflection’ of what students would have got in the exam and she did not expect there to be a significant shift in this year’s average of results.

She added that this outcome would benefit plenty of students who tend to get ‘stressed and feel under pressure’ during exams and underperform. However, she said that those students who ‘leave things till the last minute’ could be affected.

Students will have the same rights to appeal as in previous years whereby they can dispute the teacher’s assessment if they feel the result is unfair.

A-level and GCSE results are expected to be released on their usual dates, which are 13 and 20 August respectively.

Mrs Mauger hopes universities will take this new situation into consideration when deliberating on new applications.

‘People need to be reassured that their grades will be fair and that universities will take this into account when considering applications which will have been submitted prior to the pandemic.’

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