Beach restrictions for dog-walkers are eased

Beach restrictions for dog-walkers are eased

Ahead of the summer restrictions that would normally require dogs to be kept on leads between May and October from 10.30am to 6pm, a proposition to temporarily amend the law has been lodged by Assistant Health and Economic Development Minister Steve Pallett.

Although Senator Pallett’s proposition will not be debated by States Members until 12 May, the Council of Ministers discussed the issue yesterday and the Attorney General has agreed that existing laws would not be enforced during the first 12 days of May. Horse-riding restrictions will also be temporarily lifted.

The Island’s current stay-at-home restrictions are in place until at least 11 May, with an update expected from Chief Minister John Le Fondré tomorrow about whether the restrictions might be partially lifted later in May.

An online petition supporting the move was launched on 16 April, attracting more than 1,300 signatures in two weeks.

The issue had also been discussed on social media following a post on Twitter from Economic Development Minister Lyndon Farnham asking for Islanders’ views. ‘I think that most people would support the existing laws under normal circumstances, but recognise that this is a sensible move while we have the stay-at-home order and the beaches are largely empty,’ said Senator Pallett.

‘It is subject to approval by the Assembly on 12 May and would only last for as long as lockdown does.’

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