Garden centres among retailers that are open

Garden centres among retailers that are open

A number of shops have been granted the right to remain open by the government, with Islanders urged to stay at home as much as possible and only go out to exercise or shop for necessities for a maximum of two hours daily.

Garden centres are among the retail venues permitted to trade. Katherine Ransom, co-director of Ransoms in St Martin, said there had been no shortage of demand.

‘People want to be able to do a bit of gardening. Mentally and physically it’s good to be able to get outside, even if you only have space for some plants on the window sill,’ she said.

‘If people are at home more, they may be able to devote more time to their garden and perhaps look to grow plants from seeds or their own vegetables so they don’t need as much from the shops.

‘It’s also good for those with children to be able to give them the chance to learn about plants.’

Both Ransoms and St Peter’s Garden Centre are offering deliveries as well as the facility to order goods and collect.

Tom Brown, manager of St Peter’s Garden Centre, said that delivery slots were fully booked for more than a week ahead, but that customers could collect, with the shop having implemented additional measures to ensure social distancing, including blocking off alternate parking spaces.

‘It’s a difficult time for us all and has its challenges, but the vast majority of our customers are very much aware of the part they have to play in abiding by safety requirements,’ he said.

Bicycle shops have also been allowed to stay open. Bob Cabot, of Pedal Power in St Helier, said his shop had imposed a one-at-a-time limit on customers and had been doing a steady trade in servicing and repairs.

‘Quite a few people have been getting their bikes out of the shed and realising they need tuning,’ he said. ‘People want to be able to exercise and we have also had staff from the Hospital who travel to work by bike.’

B&Q, which is continuing to trade in Jersey, said it had adapted operations.

‘We recognise the small but important part we play in helping the community keep active and maintain their homes,’ a spokesperson said. ‘Our Jersey store is closed to browsing and purchasing. However, in line with government advice, customers can place orders for a limited range of home, maintenance, security and safety products using a new call-and-collect service. Customers can access this service by calling 763599 between 8am and 5pm, Monday to Saturday.’

Details about the businesses permitted to trade are available on the ‘business and employment’ section of the site.

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