Focus development in St Helier, say Islanders

Focus development in St Helier, say Islanders

The survey, which was designed to help inform the new Island Plan, which will set planning policy from 2021 to 2030, also showed that 71% of the 2,254 respondents supported focusing development in St Helier – with 55% in favour of further land reclamation.

Respondents were asked a range of questions, including where new homes should be built, how Jersey should protect its marine environment and how the Island can plan for a strong economy.

Environment Minister John Young said: ‘The Island Plan is at the heart of the planning system and shapes the Island that our children will grow up in. It determines where buildings can and cannot be built,
and how we will protect our natural environment.

‘We have the difficult task of balancing the need for new homes with safeguarding our special landscape, while also supporting the economy and planning for an ageing population.’

He added: ‘The Island Plan will provide guidance on these difficult issues for the next ten years and it is essential for Islanders to be involved in the development of the plan before it is presented to the States in 2021.’

Renewable energy also formed part of the consultation and 85% of respondents said that the government should continue to support offshore and renewable-energy schemes.

Those who took part were ‘largely’ in favour of diversifying the use of agricultural land to be used for schemes including solar power generation or ecological initiatives.

Elsewhere, 48% said that coastal and countryside locations should be afforded more protection against development, but 46% said that the current level of protection was adequate.

Further consultation on the draft Island Plan is scheduled to take place in the summer.

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