Rape investigation: Copies of e-fit to be sent to homes

Rape investigation: Copies of e-fit to be sent to homes

Detectives working on the case, including two from Guernsey and one from Devon and Cornwall Police, are also broadening their target area for house-to-house inquiries.

The States police say their list of ‘persons of interest’ is now at 43 – up from 13 last week. Since the electronic image of the attacker was released on Friday, based on information gleaned from the victim, the force have received 38 calls from the public. They are now pursuing more than 150 lines of inquiry.

And today business owners in the area have told of the change in atmosphere in the community.

Kirsty Thorpe-Jones, co-owner of the Bass & Lobster restaurant, has said she caught the penultimate Route 1 bus home from work on Halloween – the bus before the one that drove past the victim as she waited for her mother at the stop where she was attacked. Mrs Thorpe-Jones said there were numerous young girls in the area and the incident had made her and others ‘think twice’ about walking alone in the dark.

‘I think the general feeling in the community has changed,’ she said. ‘It has made everyone feel a bit fearful. Nobody likes light pollution but it makes you wonder if the bus stop and areas should be lit up and we say that people should stay in well-lit areas.’

CCTV from the Bass & Lobster has been passed to the police.

Renzo Martin, owner of the Dolphin Hotel and Restaurant, said he felt the whole community was trying to assist the police and felt deep sympathy for the victim. He added that the pub on Halloween was as busy as it would be on a good weekend night.

‘I hope they can get the man responsible as quickly as possible. I am sure they’re doing everything they can.’

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