Woman gets refund following staff shortages at Jersey’s Premier Inn

Woman gets refund following staff shortages at Jersey’s Premier Inn

Simon Soar, chief executive of the JHA, was speaking after a holidaymaker received a refund and an apology from the hotel chain Premier Inn following a recent stay.

Ruth Harris, from Wells, in Somerset, complained to the manager of the Premier Inn after staff failed to service her room for two days running at the end of August.

Mrs Harris said in a letter to the JEP, published on page 12, that she was told the hotel was short-staffed, with only three housekeepers on duty to service 91 rooms. She has subsequently received what she described as a ‘satisfactory’ refund.

The issue was typical of the current challenges facing hotels and restaurants in the Island, Mr Soar told the JEP.

‘It’s a dire situation at the moment – the worst we have had – and it’s likely to be worse next year,’ he said. ‘Employment levels are high and venues are losing staff left, right and centre.’

Mr Soar said that uncertainty caused by Brexit and the resulting effect on exchange rates was having a major impact.

‘We’re finding that quite a lot of the eastern Europeans who have been working here are finding that Germany presents a better option. Euros are worth almost as much as pounds, accommodation is cheaper and there is less paperwork around moving there,’ he said.

Mr Soar said the association was working to find solutions to the issue, and hoped that non-Europeans might be able to fill some of the vacant positions. Such workers are entitled to apply for permits for up to nine months, but do not receive any residency rights and have to return home for at least three months after their permit expires.

A spokeswoman for Premier Inn owner Whitbread said: ‘We’re really sorry Mrs Harris’ stay fell short of the standards our guests’ rightly expect and have already apologised directly. We are already in the process of issuing a refund as a goodwill gesture.’

The spokeswoman added that staffing challenges would not affect plans to open another Premier Inn in Bath Street, St Helier, saying the chain remained ‘fully committed’ to the second hotel.

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