Woman jailed for drunken assault in bar which left victim scarred

Woman jailed for drunken assault in bar which left victim scarred

Brogan Allen (24) assaulted two women in Tanguy’s, in Mulcaster Street, when they began talking to her boyfriend.

Without provocation, Allen walked over and threw a drink at one victim and attacked her, before throwing a glass with such force that it knocked out the tooth of a second victim, leaving her with a permanent scar on her lip.

Allen, who was previously sentenced in 2013 for knocking a girl unconscious, admitted grave and criminal assault and assault. She was jailed for 15 months by the Royal Court yesterday.

Delivering the sentence, Commissioner Julian Clyde-Smith said this type of drunken violence was completely unacceptable.

‘The court has a clear policy with regards to drunken violence in public places, in particular to those involving a glass which can cause such terrible injuries.

‘Unless there are exceptional circumstances, a custodial sentence will be imposed.

‘Drunken violence of this kind is completely unacceptable and despite the mitigation put forward there is no doubt that a custodial sentence must be imposed.’

Crown Advocate Richard Pedley, prosecuting, told the court that the two victims were out with friends on the evening of 20 February. At 12.30am the following morning they were in Tanguy’s nightclub.

The pair went to sit next to the defendant’s boyfriend, as one of them knew him.

The defendant was talking to two other women before she stood up and rushed over to the two victims, throwing a drink over one and scratching her on the forehead with her fingernails.

She was then pushed by her boyfriend and at this point she threw a glass and it struck the other victim in the face, knocking one of her teeth out.

Describing the incident, the victim said: ‘I had the taste of blood in my mouth. I wear a brace and I felt it snap and push into my gum. I felt blood pouring down my face and onto my clothing.’

The victim said it was an unprovoked attack and she had never met the defendant before.

The first victim had minor injuries. However, the second victim was taken to A&E shortly after the incident where she was found to have lost her upper tooth and suffered a cut to her lip.

Crown Advocate Pedley said: ‘This was a spontaneous attack on a total stranger with no provocation and it was entirely unwarranted.’

In impact statements, the first victim said she feared being attacked when she goes to certain places, while the second stated that she has suffered sleepless nights and flashbacks and no long felt safe going out.

Advocate Adam Harrison, defending, said his client was aware the most likely outcome would be a prison sentence.

He explained that it was a random throw of the glass and was not calculated, adding: ‘It was a loss of temper. Miss Allen misunderstood what was going on. She was angry and lost self-control.’

He said she expressed genuine remorse and sent letters of apology to both victims, although they did not want to see them.

He added: ‘She has not attempted to excuse her conduct or minimise it in any way. That suggests that her remorse is genuine and she recognises the need to deal with anger and aggression in her that led to these offences.’

Allen was banned from licensed premises for 24 months and ordered to pay £250 to the first victim and £3,399 in compensation to the second victim.

The Jurats in the case were Charles Blampied and Pam Pitman.

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