Man drove down one-way streets the wrong way after drinking

Man drove down one-way streets the wrong way after drinking

Christopher Wayne Lord (35), of Alder Road, Preston, came to the Island to look for work on 31 May. But within 24 hours he was in police custody for a string of driving offences.

The charges included drink-driving and driving without a valid licence, without insurance and without due care and attention.

Outlining the case, Centenier Shirley Madden said that at 6pm on 31 May, Lord arrived at the Airport and he and his friend hired a car.

His friend was the driver and the only one insured to drive the vehicle.

That evening they went out and an argument ensued over a flat tyre.

Lord was told to get keys from the car, but he then drove off despite having only a provisional UK licence.

At 1.54am the following day, a police officer saw the car going the wrong way along Bond Street and Conway Street.

The car turned onto the Esplanade, before it was stopped by police. Officers noted a smell of alcohol, and when breathalysed Lord gave a reading of 67 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath. The legal limit is 35.

Advocate Alison Brown, defending, said her client had his own roofing business and was looking for work in Jersey.

She said her client did not know where he was going in St Helier, and it was fortunate for him that no one was injured.

She said: ‘This was out of character and he is furious with himself. He is extremely remorseful and wants to apologise for the inconvenience caused.’

Assistant Magistrate Peter Harris banned Lord from driving for two years, ordered him to pay £300 and sentenced him to 110 hours’ community service, which he will complete in the UK. He was also bound over to leave the Island for three years.

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