Petition for designated dog beach signed by 1,300 people

Petition for designated dog beach signed by 1,300 people

And, as the number of signatures has surpassed 1,000, a government minister will now need to respond.

Currently, dogs being taken on beaches must be kept on a lead between 1 May and 30 September, during the hours of 10.30am and 6pm. They have unrestricted access at other times.

The petition, set up by Mercedes Hamer, says: ‘[Let us] have an allocated beach in Jersey where dogs can be off their leads all year.

‘Dogs need a place to run all year and cool off in the sea. It works in Guernsey – let’s have one in Jersey too.

‘I am not a dog owner but know plenty of owners and the Island is too small not to have one free reign [sic] beach for them. Limited exercise equals fatter, unhealthy dogs.’

Commenting on a Facebook post promoting the petition, Caroline Kelly, said: ‘Hopefully it will get to be debated by the States, and surely they will realise that it is currently an unfair and outdated law.

‘The states are currently promoting healthier lifestyles, surely walking your dog on a beach is a healthy thing to do? [It is] fun for all the family.’

However, Kathryn Kelly, said: ‘I like going to different places. I am not sure I want a dedicated beach.

‘If there was such a thing, I’m guessing that would be the only beach you could go to, excluding all others. I’m probably the only one who thinks this idea is not so great off-paper.’

And, in part of a Facebook post, one dog trainer, Jo Laurens, said that Islanders should be careful what they wished for.

‘The current beach restrictions are really extraordinarily generous. Dog owners can take their dogs on all beaches, every day – just at certain times of day,’ she said.

‘Compare that to many beaches in Devon or Cornwall, where dogs are banned from beaches entirely.

‘When I speak to people in Devon or Cornwall, they are amazed at our “great” beach rules for dogs. Perhaps it is something about being human that we always want “more” and don’t know when we have it good.’

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