Beloved dog ‘responding well to cancer treatment’

Beloved dog ‘responding well to cancer treatment’

Jessie the Jack Russell was diagnosed with a high-grade mast cell tumour after a lump was found on her leg last year. She underwent an operation to remove the tumour, but it could not be fully removed.

Instead of amputating Jessie’s leg, vets recommended placing her on chemotherapy using a drug called Palladia so she would not lose her quality of life.

Vet Dr Ben Benander of New Era Veterinary Surgery said the eight-year-old was ‘doing great’. Owners Paul Holt and Lola Butel, who live in St Helier, say they are delighted.

Dr Benander said: ‘She is a rock-solid dog, an absolute trooper. She has the most dedicated owners, which you need in these circumstances, as she has been in at least ten times over the past six months. We have had a few hiccups along the way – Jessie has had a bad stomach at times – but she is doing really well.

‘Palladia is a relatively new type of drug used for cancer treatment. It has been used in humans for about ten years and dogs for five.’

Jessie is due to continue her programme of chemotherapy until August. Dr Benander says if there is no sign of the cancer at that point, the drugs will stop. If not, if the owners agree, the medication can continue.

‘In oncology you never say someone is cured but you say they are in long-term remission. We are hopeful for Jessie.’

Ms Butel said: ‘We’re really lucky. Jessie is in remission, but it’s a long journey. In August she is due to come off the drug and fingers crossed she’ll make a good recovery from there.’

Ms Butel and Mr Holt have been keeping friends up-to-date on Jessie’s condition through a Facebook blog called Jessie the Jack Russell. The most recent post showed Jessie wrapped in a zebra-print blanket with the caption: ‘Jessie’s now actually snoring zzzzzzzz.’

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