Candidates have final chance to campaign in St Helier by-election

Candidates have final chance to campaign in St Helier by-election

The by-election was called following the death of St Helier No 3/4 Deputy Richard Rondel in November after a lengthy battle with cancer.

Those living in St Helier No 3 district
can cast their votes at Rouge Bouillon
School, while the polling station for residents of St Helier No 4 is at First Tower School.

The results will be announced at Rouge Bouillon tomorrow night.

The candidates have been speaking to parishioners at several hustings events, putting up posters throughout the district and knocking on doors.

Former Deputies Guy de Faye and Nick Le Cornu, St Helier Procureur du Bien Public Geraint Jennings, businessman Gordon George Troy, Reform Jersey member Lyndsay Feltham, Jersey Beach Festival organiser Andrea Mallet, Jersey Action Group chairman John Baker, leadership coach Inna Gardiner, disability campaigner Ant Lewis and Francesca Ahier, whose father, Steve, was elected in the district in May, are seeking election.

Around 8,600 voters are registered within the district. The successful candidate is due to be sworn in at the Royal Court on Friday.

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