Crashed yacht skipper to face no further action

Crashed yacht skipper to face no further action

On the evening of 17 November 2017, after leaving the Harbour en-route to Guernsey, the 62-foot-long vessel called P6T2 struck the Ruaudière buoy in St Aubin’s Bay, seriously damaging it and causing it to begin taking on water.

In January it was announced that the skipper of the vessel, who has not been named, had had his Local Knowledge Endorsement – a qualification which allows the holder to operate commercially carrying up to 12 passengers in Jersey’s territorial waters – suspended.

The Jersey Maritime Administration, which has been conducting an investigation into the crash, and the Harbour Authority both have the power to prosecute if they suspect that a law has been broken.

However, the Law Officers’ Department has now announced that no further action will be taken in this case.

After the sinking, Ports of Jersey commissioned a salvage team to come to the Island from Belgium but operations were called off after several parts of the vessel began washing up around the Island. Two large hull sections of the boat were also found as far away as Normandy.

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