Grouville selects its very first Battle Ambassador

Grouville selects its very first Battle Ambassador

The competition, which was held at the Jersey Royal Golf Club, saw Mr Meacham win the first Grouville Battle Ambassador title, after it was recently announced that the 65-year-old Miss Parish competition was coming to a close in a bid to rejuvenate the contest.

The judges on the night were Tracey Laurent, parish caretaker, as well as Vicky Davis, Seymour Pub landlady. The runner up on the night was Jess Meacham (17), Mr Meacham’s sister.

The former Grainville school student, who works full time for local company Signtech as a sign manufacturer, said that he entered the competition purely for fun and for a new experience and was happy to have won.

Mr Meacham, who is also a keen downhill mountain biker and abseiler, added: ‘I love being outdoors as much as possible and can’t sit still at all.’

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