Family-run producers Fungi Delecti posted the picture of the smiling woman outside their hedge-veg box on Rue des Platons on their Facebook page along with a damming post about her alleged actions.
Director Jamie Racjan has now removed the photograph – which was viewed more than 4,500 times – saying that it had ‘served its purpose’ by warning thieves that the cameras work and they are monitored. He has not contacted the police.
Meanwhile, Powell Le Feuvre, of Le Feuvre Farms, has said that they have cut the number of their honesty boxes from eight last year down to two due to a combination of thefts and a lack of business.
‘We still get thefts, it is a constant thing,’ he said.
‘We had eight boxes last year and now we are down to two. We have had days when someone comes along and takes a load of spuds. It’s not worth the time,’ he added.
The States police were unavailable for comment.