Warning to keep away from abandoned sites

Social media accounts have been set up highlighting several abandoned buildings in Jersey and, in some cases, they offer advice about how to get to reach the sites.

Some of the locations featured include houses, the old JCG site, which is currently being turned into accommodation, as well as the abandoned pool and cable car areas at Fort Regent. Both Fort Regent sites are known to house the carcinogenic material asbestos.

One video posted online, which has been viewed more than 1,000 times, shows at least two young people in the old cable car station, which was once used to ferry people from Snow Hill to Fort Regent between 1970 and 1991.

The organiser of the social media groups, which were set up earlier this year, has recently posted online that they will no longer include details of how to visit sites, but will continue to upload images.

Full report in Tuesday’s JEP.

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