Real fur sold in stores without clear signage

Today, Deputy Jackie Hilton has also urged Islanders to check clothing labels to see where products are from and to ‘boycott’ those containing real fur which are made in China because of the ‘barbaric’ methods some of the country’s producers use to kill and skin animals.

Her comments come after a JEP investigation found that fur is being sold in at least two King Street stores with no obvious signs to tell potential buyers that the products contained real fur. Items on sale include ponchos and there were also fur trimmings on bobble hats, stoles and coats.

Labels on some of the products on sale in Voisins which were analysed by the JEP stated that they were made in the PRC – the People’s Republic of China. Animal rights activists claim that methods used by some fur farmers in Asian countries to obtain fur are inhumane.

Read the special investigation in Saturday’s JEP.

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