Drugs smugglers ordered to hand over assets worth £¼m

Richard ‘Ziggy’ Norris and his son Liam were jailed nearly three years ago for attempting to flood Jersey with almost £3 million worth of cannabis resin which had been concealed inside specially-made bitumen moulds that were to be packed onto a freight ship – the huge consignment would have been enough to supply the Island’s cannabis market for almost a year.

However, a combined operation launched by Jersey Customs and Staffordshire police, codenamed Operation Transom, foiled their plot – Richard Norris was jailed for seven years in 2013 while Liam Norris was sentenced to serve eight years.

A Royal Court judgment last year ordered that a total of more than £264,000 should be confiscated from the pair, who are serving their sentences at HMP La Moye.

The majority of the confiscation order will be recovered from assets seized by the Jersey authorities and once these assets have been sold, the proceeds will be held in the Island’s Criminal Offences Confiscation Fund, into which more than £36 million has been deposited since 2011.

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