£500k spent on executive directors’ pay

According to the report of the JDC’s remuneration committee, managing director Lee Henry received a £20,000 bonus on top of his £160,000 salary as well as £1,656 in benefits, while Simon Neal, the organisation’s finance director, took home £110,000 in wages and a further £16,000 bonus.

In his review of 2015, Mr Henry said the year had seen a ‘step change’ for the organisation, which develops States-owned assets, as it had begun construction on the first building of the Jersey International Finance Centre, and had progressed pre-development work on the scheme’s second building as well as College Gardens – a residential development that is currently being built at the former Jersey College for Girls site.

According to the report, which can be read online, the JDC posted profits of nearly £900,000 for the year, which included a £651,000 uplift on investment property – a reassessment and re-evaluation of certain assets.

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