To encourage you to go out and make the most of the Island’s natural assets, the JEP is running Nature Watch, a monthly photographic competition and online picture gallery.
Each month we will print your best nature pictures and also share them here on our website. And one winning photographer will receive a printed canvas of their image, courtesy of Framing Workshop.
Use the form below to upload your best pictures.
This month’s theme: Winter
AS another year prepares to draw to a close, Nature Watch invites all picture-takers to grab a final ‘click of the camera’ opportunity to capture what they consider to be the very best of the natural side of Jersey.
Having been given a fairly rigid monthly theme since the competition began in February, the next four weeks allows the photographer the unbridled chance to run riot by snapping anything and everything than takes the natural fancy.
In other words, it’s a chance to capture the Island’s more relaxed landscape along with any of those heavily dependent natural inhabitants willing to show themselves.
Think of our coast, our countryside and our wintertime wildlife and we begin to realise the scores of photographic possibilities.
Judging by the competitions remarkably good entries during the year, it’s a foregone conclusion that local photographers will encounter few problems in capturing even more truly wild and stunning images.
With the competition now almost at an end, how great it would be to see it depart in a blaze of naturally photographic glory.
For the very last time – get wild, get clicking, get lucky!
Mike Stentiford