Sport clubs asked to help with JEP’s £10,000 competition

Ahead of the fourth competition next year, the JEP, which runs the initiative, and Ogier, which provides funding for it, have decided to acquire feedback from sports clubs about how Kit4Clubs can be improved.

As a result, a survey has been uploaded on the Jersey Evening Post’s website, which club representatives have two weeks to complete.

Explaining the need for the survey, the JEP’s marketing manager, Lorenzo Nardone, said: ‘We want to make Kit4Clubs bigger and better than ever, but the only way we can do that is by getting feedback from as many clubs and sporting associations as possible.

‘We want to know what aspects of Kit4Clubs are working for these clubs and whether there are any ways we can improve the scheme for them, so we are relying on their feedback.’

Traditionally, the competition begins at the end of February, following which the JEP publishes daily tokens for clubs to collect. Prizes are awarded to the clubs that have the highest token-to-member ratio.

Click HERE to complete the survey.

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