Environment Minister Rob Duhamel visited the site recently following a ministerial planning meeting where the project was discussed.
If approved, 183 homes would be built at the site, with 24 in the former school, which is now a listed building, and 159 units in new buildings towards the back of the site.
A portion of the site’s new units would be reserved as social rented homes for the over 55s with another group of units made available as affordable homes to buy.
Mr Henry said: ‘We expect to hear back from Planning with further comments from the minister and we hope the JCG determination will follow that.
‘The minister also wanted to visit the new JCG building to establish where the old building’s library panelling would be relocated.
‘We felt the site visit went well. We reviewed the old building in terms of the parts that are going to be retained and restored.
‘We have appointed an entirely local design team for the project. The next step is to make detailed plans, submit our building control application and then appoint a main contractor.
‘Subject to a favourable determination we could be on site as early as the second quarter of next year.’