It follows an investigation by BBC Midlands Today, which bought a single packet of charms in Birmingham.
The sample was tested by the Assay Office, an independent company which hallmarks jewellery and tests fashion accessories.
All of the sections of the charms that were tested failed to comply with EU legislation and contained two banned phthalates. The chemicals are commonly used in plastics to make them pliable but their use is strictly controlled, as they are a known carcinogen.
A spokesman from The Entertainer said that the loom and charm bracelet pack being sold by the company had been removed from shelves pending a full investigation.
‘It was brought to our attention that loom charms purchased from one of our stores may contain phthalates,’ the spokesman said. ‘At The Entertainer children’s safety is our number one priority, so as a precautionary measure we have removed all loom charms from sale with immediate effect whilst we conduct a full investigation.
‘Any concerned customers will be offered a full refund or exchange in any of our stores.’
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