‘Violent criminals should meet head injury victims’

Ray Cooper said that victims of violence are often given a life sentence so those who carry out the attacks should be made to see the damage a few minutes of viciousness can have on their victim’s life.

In the fourth part of the JEP’s special investigation into street violence in Jersey, Mr Cooper said that those who commit violent attacks should face the consequences of their actions.

‘Anyone who gets involved in violence can equally and easily become a victim,’ he said. ‘A moment’s madness can ruin not only the life of the victim but also the entire family. You have to see the results of this madness to appreciate the misery that can follow for years.’

Mr Cooper, who recently took on the new role at Headway Jersey after retiring from the finance industry, said that perpetrators should be given community service at Headway as well as other care and family homes in the Island.

See Thursday’s JEP for full story.

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