Hundreds of Islanders attended the Royal Jersey Agricultural and Horticultural Society Autumn Show where everything from hanging baskets and floral displays to giant pumpkins and prize pears were on display.
The top award for the best exhibit went to Steve Falle for his wheelbarrow display of mixed vegetables. This was despite the fact that the whole lot scattered when Mr Falle had to do an emergency stop on the way to the show and he had to start the arrangement again from scratch.
Pam Laurens, horticultural secretary at the RJAHS, said that the number of entries was up on previous years but that some flower growers were hit by the recent bad weather.
‘The general standard was very good,’ she said. ‘Some of the cut flowers were of a slightly lower standard than usual because of the very heavy rain but the vegetables section was very good and we had two heaviest records broken, one of which was the longest bean, excluding the runner bean.
‘And the children’s section was well supported, which was good to see because they are coming along to replace the older people.’
• Full results were published in Tuesday’s Jersey Evening Post
• Pictures: Collette Bisson
• Picture sales: Click herenextpage