New players on investment front

A NEW financial services firm has opened on the Esplanade.

Spearpoint, which has offices in Liberation House, next to Jersey Tourism, describes itself as an independent investment ’boutique’ which will be providing both investment and stockbroking services to Channel Island residents and clients in the UK.

The company has been set up and is staffed by specialists who have worked together in the past at Collins Stewart. John Davey (pictured) is chief executive of Spearpoint and he will be managing the Jersey operation.

Shane Le Prevost (formerly group chief executive of Collins Stewart) set up the new business some months ago in Guernsey and is heading the office there. Each office has started with about 25 staff each.

The new firm has been structured as a Guernsey holding company, for both personal and tax reasons, says Mr Davey. ‘Every staff member is a shareholder in the business, so we are aligning our interests with those of the clients,’ he said.

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