Puffins in peril

Puffins in peril

A report by Dr Glyn Young, the deputy head of the bird department at the Durrell wildlife park, who headed the research team, also recommends the trapping of predators, such as cats and ferrets, and a widespread controlled poisoning programme to eradicate rats. There are thought to be just 15 to 20 pairs of Atlantic puffins left in Jersey. Their numbers have declined steadily along the English and French coasts during the past 100 years and ornithologists fear that the species might soon become extinct in Jersey if action is not taken now. Dr Young’s report was commissioned by BDK Architects, whose client, Plémont Estates Ltd, has submitted plans for 36 granite homes on the site of the former Pontin’s holiday camp. In his 30-page report, Dr Glyn said: ‘Development at the Plémont holiday camp site will probably not have an adverse impact on nesting puffins and other seabirds.’

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