‘Force bosses to employ disabled’

‘Force bosses to employ disabled’

After giving up the post after ten years, Mr Green said that it should be compulsory for employers to have some people who are registered as disabled on their staff. He said that although people with head injuries did get support from Social Security and the Jersey Employment Trust to find work in sheltered work schemes, it was important that whenever possible they were given ‘real’ jobs. ‘Employers must be prepared to give them real jobs so they can be fully integrated in the community and their skills put to good use. There needs to be a change in the law to make that possible,’ he said. The problem was that if employers did take on someone with a disability like a brain injury and they behaved differently, but not necessarily badly, staff usually wanted them to be removed. ‘Managers and staff need training in how to deal with problems if they arise and they need to realise these people may be different but they are not bad people,’ he said. Mr Green also believes that the wearing of helmets by cyclists of all ages should be made compulsory. He said he knew that some people would think that would be another step towards a nanny state. ‘Those people who disagree with that move should come and spend time with me and I will show them the extreme difficulties which can follow on from a brain injury,’ he said. In today’s Saturday interview on page 8, Mr Green calls for specialist care workers to be appointed to assist families who have a member with a brain injury if problems arose in their home. He is also calling for respite facilities.

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