Lunaz updates classic Bentley S2 Continental with electric power

Lunaz has created what it calls the ‘rarest classic car ever to be transformed to fully electric power’.

Just one of four examples built, the Bentley S2 Continental initially rolled off the factory floor in 1961 with a 6.2-litre V8 engine under the bonnet. However, electric experts Lunaz have switched out that original powertrain in favour of a fully battery-powered setup.

Lunaz Bentley S2
The Bentley’s new charging port has been neatly integrated

The original engine and its various systems are removed and reclaimed before being replaced by Lunaz’s fully electric setup. Alongside this change, the brakes, steering, suspension and electrics are all upgraded to help them to comply with current safety standards. Lunaz hasn’t quoted an official range for the Bentley, though previous cars from the firm have delivered just over 300 miles from a single charge.

Lunaz Bentley S2
The interior has been upgraded and fitted with sustainable materials

Inside, the Bentley incorporates a wide variety of sustainable materials. The seat leather, for example, is made from hides tanned with olive leaves while the carpet in the front and rear are made from recycled plastic water bottles. All of the wood veneers are taken from sustainable sources, too.

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