Supermarket shooting suspect ‘wanted police to kill him’

The man accused of killing 10 people at a Colorado supermarket told a mental health evaluator he bought firearms to carry out a mass shooting and suggested he wanted police to kill him, a court has been told.

Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa made the statements at a state mental hospital during an August evaluation which determined he was mentally competent to stand trial, said Loandra Torres, the forensic psychologist who evaluated the 24-year-old suspect.

Alissa, who has been diagnosed with schizophrenia, also “recognised that there are guns that have his fingerprints on them and that can be used as some evidence against him”, Ms Torres said.

Alissa is charged with murder and multiple counts of attempted murder after the shooting rampage on March 22 2021 in a crowded King Soopers shop in Boulder, about 30 miles north-west of Denver.

He has not yet been asked to enter a plea.

In recent months, forced medication administered to Alissa under a March court order has significantly improved his mental condition, according to Ms Torres and a second psychologist who gave evidence.

His condition was worsening prior to the forced medication.

“By allowing forced medications, involuntary medication, he was able to take a medication they hadn’t been able to try before and that really made a difference,” psychologist Julie Gallagher said.

She said the hospital’s finding that Alissa was competent was supported by her review of the case.

Alissa entered court in a striped orange and white jumpsuit and sat fidgeting next to his defence lawyers.

During cross examination, Ms Herold focussed in part on bias in competency evaluators, especially in charged, high-profile cases.

Individual therapy sessions, in addition to the forced medication, helped him become competent, she said.

The judge was required to schedule the two-day hearing but denied Ms Herold’s request for another evaluation from the mental health hospital.

Ms Herold argued that Alissa is not competent and cited the psychiatric evaluations describing him as “profoundly mentally ill”.

Schizophrenia can shake someone’s grasp on reality, potentially interfering in a legal defence in court.

Mental competency to move toward trial entails Alissa being able to understand court proceedings and help Ms Herold with his defence.

It does not mean he has been cured.

Mental competency is also separate from pleading not guilty by reason of insanity, which is a claim that someone’s mental health prevented them from understanding right from wrong when a crime was committed.

The August evaluation was the first to rule Alissa competent.

Alissa’s inability to reach mental competency for over two years is rare, Ms Gallagher said, adding that it was due to the severity of his illness.

Experts at the mental health hospital determined Alissa was competent because he was consistently taking medication and in a stable therapeutic environment, according to prosecutors in August, who said his competency is “tenuous”.

Initial evaluations throughout 2021 and 2022 found Alissa incompetent for trial largely due to his inability to communicate clearly and at times his outright refusal to discuss the allegations against him, Ms Torres said.

“There were several times where he noted that he couldn’t talk about it or it was too difficult or overwhelming to discuss,” said Ms Torres, who added that they asked about the charges to see if Alissa was thinking rationally and understood the legal ramifications of his case.

But he was more forthcoming by August and, when asked why he purchased firearms, “he said it was to commit a mass shooting”, Ms Torres told the court.

Tributes outside the supermarket following the mass shooting
Tributes outside the supermarket following the mass shooting (David Zalubowski/AP)

“He indicated that there was some intention to commit suicide by cop,” Ms Torres said.

Ms Torres said that in the over hour-long evaluation, Alissa acknowledged he had schizophrenia and that he has heard voices in the past.

During the rampage in Boulder, Alissa allegedly shot at least one person in the car park outside the shop before moving inside, employees told investigators.

Employees and customers scrambled to escape the violence, some leaving loading docks in the back and others sheltering in nearby shops.

A Swat team with ballistic shields approached the shop and law enforcement took Alissa into custody.

Authorities have not yet disclosed a motive for the shooting, and little is known about why he carried it out.

Alissa was convicted of assaulting a fellow high school student in 2018, according to police documents, but that remains one of the only known crimes involving Alissa prior to the shooting.

While hospital reports on Alissa are not made public under Colorado law, his lawyers confirmed in February through court filings that he was diagnosed with schizophrenia, adding that he struggles to tolerate extended contact with other people.

Last year, the remodelled King Soopers reopened, with about half of those who worked there previously choosing to return.

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