Guatemalans vote on new president after tumultuous electoral season

Guatemalans are voting to elect a new president and vice-president as well as fill all congress seats and hundreds of local posts after one of the most tumultuous electoral seasons in the Central American nation’s recent history.

Just over nine million people are registered to vote, but many Guatemalans have expressed disappointment with the presidential choices after three opposition candidates were excluded by authorities. A large number of null ballots are expected, and experts said a low turnout is likely.

With none of the 22 presidential candidates polling near the required 50% threshold for winning outright, a second round of voting on August 20 between the top two finishers is almost certain.

President Alejandro Giammattei, who could not seek re-election, made a push on Friday to ease doubts about the electoral process and the widespread complaints, saying the elections are “one more sign that we live in a stable democracy, something that is consolidated with periodic, free and participatory elections”.

Sandra Torres
Sandra Torres of the National Unity of Hope party is making her third bid for the presidency (Moises Castillo/AP)

Accusations from both inside and outside Guatemala that the vote is unfairly skewed to favour the political establishment rose after several outsider candidates were excluded by the Supreme Electoral Tribunal, the highest authority on the matter.

Among those barred from the ballot was Thelma Cabrera, a leftist and the only Indigenous woman candidate who allegedly did not meet requirements to run.

Carlos Pineda, a right-wing populist who was leading in opinion polls, was denied a spot due to alleged irregularities in his nomination. Roberto Arzu, a conservative law-and-order candidate, was barred for allegedly started his campaign too early.

Zury Rios Sosa
Candidate Zury Rios Sosa is the daughter of former dictator Efrain Rios Montt (Moises Castillo/AP)

All three are on the more conservative side of the political spectrum and campaigned promising to install tough security measures like President Nayib Bukele in neighbouring El Salvador and promoting conservative family values.

Ms Torres, making her third try to win the presidency, also promised bags of basic food items for those in need and cuts in taxes on basic foods. Mr Mulet said he would give Guatemalans free medicine and support senior citizens and single mothers.

Ms Rios Sosa campaigned to establish the death penalty, prohibit government posts for those convicted of corruption, protect private property rights and improve the health system.

No leftist party has governed Guatemala in almost 70 years, since two leftist administrations from 1945 to 1954. The second of those was led by president Jacobo Arbenz, who was overthrown in a CIA-backed coup.

The vote comes amid widespread frustration with high crime, poverty and malnutrition – all factors in pushing tens of thousands of Guatemalans to migrate each year. There is also anger over official corruption and government moves against anti-corruption activists.

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